Biometric technology trusted by more than a billion users
As a spinoff from biometric technology leader Innovatrics, we bring the most advanced biometrics for fan identity verification available as a service to football clubs and event organizers.
We guarantee always up to date algorithms and proven performance in real life conditions of 600+ large scale projects.
Identity Document Capture and Authenticity Check
In case full fan identity verification (KYC) is necessary to purchase a ticket, fans are prompted to take a photo of their ID, from which textual data is extracted. The ID photo is then matched with a selfie in the second step.
Document Auto-capture
To ensure a seamless experience during the remote fan identity verification process, we provide auto-capture components. These guides assist users in taking the best possible quality photo of their ID for optimal OCR performance and to minimize image rejection.
Document Data Extraction
Our technology recognizes the identity document, extracts all the required fields, and parses them into text. Simultaneously, it retrieves the portrait image and converts it into a secure biometric template for biometric identity verification.
Document Authenticity Verification
Face Registration, 1:1 matching
After capturing the document, fans take a selfie which is checked against the identity document image. If the images match, the fan identity verification algorithm returns a positive result.
Face Auto-capture
To make the face registration seamless for users, our solution provides an auto-capture component. It requires fans to center their face in the requested area of their device.
Face Verification
Once the user’s selfie is captured, it is converted into a biometric template. Face recognition algorithm then compares a holder’s photo on the ID with a selfie to biometrically verify that the ID belongs to the same person.
Passive Liveness Detection
Facial liveness detection verifies if a user is physically present at the time of the remote fan identity verification process to prevent identity fraud. It detects people presenting a mobile picture, printed picture, any kind of 3D mask, or injection attack.
Identity-based access control, 1:N matching
Innovatrics algorithms deliver superior facial recognition for venue access. This ensures only authorized users enter, while maintaining smooth traffic flow at high volumes.
Flexible Face Access Rules
Fine-tune your access strategy. Restrict facial recognition zones to specific areas around access points, set alerts for banned individuals, or enable faster multi-person matching for seamless gate access.
Top-Ranked Biometric Algorithms as a Service
Our algorithms consistently score top marks on the Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) organized by the US-based National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the most trusted benchmark for biometric technology.
Seamless Cloud Integration
The Facial Identification Service identifies faces captured by cameras and matches them against cloud-based watchlists. Positive identification allows access control at gates, parking lots, or payment terminals.
Low Bandwidth & Scalability
Our embedded algorithms can efficiently run time-critical operations such as face detection, facial landmarks, and face template extraction through on-edge or on-chip processing.
Our edge-based processing minimizes network bandwidth requirements. This allows easy system scaling to virtually unlimited cameras, ensuring fast and reliable venue entry.
Why should you adopt fan identity verification
Face biometrics is revolutionizing the event industry. Governments increasingly require institutions to verify visitors, ensuring only authorized access. We believe face-based entry is the future. Implementing it now allows you to deliver an exceptional gameday experience to your fans.